
2021-05-11 03:26:17 GMT2021-05-11 11:26:17(Beijing Time) Sina English


Florida releases genetically modified mosquitoes in hopes to reduce spread of disease

Genetically modified mosquitoes have been released for the first time in the United States, taking flight in the Florida Keys in a pilot program intended to reduce the spread of deadly diseases such as dengue, yellow fever and the Zika virus.


After an odyssey spanning more than a decade to secure regulatory approval, British-based biotechnology firm Oxitec, along with the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District (FKMCD) launched the project in hope of reducing the Aedes aegypti species that spread the diseases.


The company says similar projects have had over a 90 percent success rate in Brazil, Panama, the Cayman Islands and Malaysia.


How will the genetically modified mosquitoes be released?


To unleash these mosquitoes into the wild, boxes that contain the genetically altered male eggs are being put across six locations in the Florida Keys during the last week of April and first week of May. Water and food are added, Oxitec says, and the male mosquitoes will hatch and join the Aedes aegypti mosquito population in the area, starting in May.


Although the program was initially approved to release 750 million mosquitoes over the course of this year and next year, Oxitec expects that, this year, fewer than 12,000 mosquitoes will actually emerge each week for about 12 weeks.


How can the plan work?


As you may know, male mosquitoes feed on nectar from flowers — and don’t bite humans. On the other hand, female mosquitoes do bite humans because they need a blood meal to produce and deposit eggs.


While the mosquito bite itself may itch, the bite may also lead to the spread of disease. For example, the Aedes aegypti mosquito is responsible for transmitting diseases that include dengue, Zika, and yellow fever to humans, as well as transmitting heartworm and other potentially deadly diseases to pets.


The genetically modified male mosquitoes will carry a “self-limiting gene” that prevents the survival of their female offspring, Oxitec explains. After the male eggs hatch and grow to maturity, the males will eventually mate with the local female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and pass on the modified genes — which will result in female offspring dying before they become adults.

Oxitec解释说:转基因的雄性蚊子会携带 “自限性基因”,这会限制其雌性后代的生存。雄性卵孵化成雄蚊并成熟后,最终会与当地的雌性埃及伊蚊交配,并将修改过的致病基因遗传给后代,这将导致其雌性后代在幼虫阶段就死亡了。

Residential pushback


Opposition to the Florida field trial has been fierce from some residents in the Keys. Worried about being bitten by the mosquitoes or that the insects will disrupt the Florida ecosystem — and generally unhappy about being chosen as a test site — some have threatened to derail the experiments by spraying insecticides near the release points.



genetically modified:转基因的,基因改良的

genetically altered:基因改变的

pilot program:试点项目;试点方案

例句:We will expand the pilot program for renovating dilapidated houses in rural areas.



【词源】From the Odyssey, a Greek poem that is said to have been written by Homer, about the adventures of Odysseus. After a battle in Troy Odysseus had to spend ten years travelling before he could return home. 源自希腊史诗《奥德赛》,相传为荷马所作,描述了奥德修斯在特洛伊战争后,辗转十年返回家园的种种经历。

例句:I do not know how far this green odyssey will take us, but that does not stop me dreaming. 我不知道我们能在这场绿色冒险之旅中走多远,但这并不能阻止我心怀梦想。





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