
2021-05-21 03:37:56 GMT2021-05-21 11:37:56(Beijing Time) Sina English

乔弗雷德和拉尔弗雷德是印度北方邦密拉特市一对双胞胎兄弟,他们出生相隔3分钟,一起相伴成长,形影不离,却在刚过完24岁生日时同时感染新冠肺炎,相继离世,前后相隔不到一天。或许是双胞胎间特有的感应,哥哥离世后,面对试图隐瞒的母亲,弟弟说:“妈妈,你说谎……” 几小时后,弟弟也离世了。

24岁的拉尔弗雷德·格雷戈里(左)和孪生哥哥乔弗雷德。朋友们说,在婚礼、派对和几乎所有的社区活动中,两兄弟不仅穿得一样,而且在人群中总在一起。  24岁的拉尔弗雷德·格雷戈里(左)和孪生哥哥乔弗雷德。朋友们说,在婚礼、派对和几乎所有的社区活动中,两兄弟不仅穿得一样,而且在人群中总在一起。

These Twins Lived Together. In Covid, They Died Together.


Joefred and Ralfred Gregory moved through life as one.

乔弗雷德(Joefred)和拉尔弗雷德•格雷戈里(Ralfred Gregory)一生都像一个人一样度过。

They went to the same college. They studied the same thing. They wore matching clothes. They trimmed their beards the exact same way.


Identical twins, they were two handsome young men in northern India who above all else really loved each other. And when they both were struck by Covid-19 last month and hospitalized, it was like they shared one sick body.


Hours after Joefred died, Ralfred’s mother told him that his brother was still alive, to keep his spirits up.


But Ralfred sensed his brother was no more and said, from his hospital bed, “Mummy, you’re lying.”


The next day, on May 14, Ralfred died too.


The touching story of the twins who lived and died together has spread fast and wide on Indian social media, puncturing this nation’s numbing statistics — the daily Covid-19 case numbers, the death counts, the infection rates.


上周,工人们在德里一家氧气补充店储存钢瓶。4月底和5月初,病毒激增使一些医院面临严重的救生氧气短缺。  上周,工人们在德里一家氧气补充店储存钢瓶。4月底和5月初,病毒激增使一些医院面临严重的救生氧气短缺。

On Wednesday, India broke a world record for the most reported Covid deaths in a single day: 4,529. However alarming that number is — three Indians dying every minute because of the coronavirus — experts say that it is just a small fraction of the true toll and that the real numbers are far higher.


Joefred and Ralfred, 24, had a special bond. Though their parents gave them similar names, they said they didn’t raise the twins to copy each other. Still, neighbors said that where you saw one, you saw the other, even after they reached adulthood.



They grew up, along with an older brother, in a one-story bungalow in Meerut, a satellite town of New Delhi. Their parents were teachers at a Christian school. The family was among the few Christians in a mixed, middle-class neighborhood.


As boys, they batted cricket balls together in a vacant lot. Together they hunched over the carrom table, a popular Indian game played on a wooden board.


Joefred was three minutes older. But there were none of those older brother-younger brother issues.

“They were equals,” said their father, Gregory Raymond Raphael. “They argued, yes. But I never saw them hurt each other.”

They went by nicknames: Joefi and Ralfi.


“他们是平等的,”他们的父亲格雷戈里•雷蒙德•拉斐尔(Gregory Raymond Raphael)说。“是的,他们也会吵架。但我从没见过他们互相伤害。”


乔弗雷德和拉尔弗雷德·格雷戈里取得了计算机科学学位后,和他们的父母在聚会上。兄弟俩曾就读于印度南部的同一所大学。  乔弗雷德和拉尔弗雷德·格雷戈里取得了计算机科学学位后,和他们的父母在聚会上。兄弟俩曾就读于印度南部的同一所大学。

As young men, they studied together: same year, same university in southern India, same subject, computer science. They wore their hair in the same style. They looked like mirror images.


Few people, besides their parents, could tell them apart. They were the same height, around six feet, with the same muscular build. Friends said that at weddings, birthday parties and just about all community events, Joefred and Ralfred not only dressed the same but also stuck together in a crowd.


“It was like they were merged,” said Manoj Kumar, a neighbor and family friend. “There was immense love between the two of them,” he added.

“他们就像是合体了,”他们的邻居、家人的朋友马努基•库马尔(Manoj Kumar)说。 “他们两个之间有着深深的爱,”他还说。

Both were computer engineers, most recently working from home in Meerut, and on April 24, they came down with fevers at the same time, their father said. The family treated them at home, with some over-the-counter medicine, but began to worry as their condition worsened.


In late April and early May, India was suffering the worst surge of infections that any country had seen since the pandemic began.


So many people were getting infected at the same time, especially in northern India, where Meerut is, that hospitals couldn’t cope. Sick people were being turned away. They were dying in the streets, in the back seats of cars parked in vain outside hospital gates, at home, gasping for air.


A week into their sons’ illness, the family decided to seek help and found space in Anand Hospital, a private facility with a good reputation not far from their house. Both sons tested positive for Covid and a doctor at the hospital said that by that point, the disease had progressed frighteningly fast.

儿子患病一周后,这家人决定寻求帮助,在离家不远的阿南德医院(Anand Hospital)找到了床位,这是一家私人医院,名声很好。两个儿子的新冠病毒检测都呈阳性,医院的一名医生说,到那时,病情开始以惊人的速度发展。

Both sons had very dangerous lung infections. Both were put on ventilators in the intensive care unit a few beds apart, Joefred in Bed 10, Ralfred in 14.


On the morning of May 13, Joefred, the older twin, was losing his battle. His blood oxygen levels dropped to 48 percent, his father said. Nothing could save him.


The twins’ mother, Soja, was visiting the I.C.U. at that moment. The doctors told her to leave. A few minutes later, around noon, they broke the news that Joefred had died.


The mother, overwhelmed with grief, then went back into the I.C.U. to check on Ralfred, who kept asking, “Where is Joefred? Where is Joefred?”

母亲悲痛欲绝,然后回到重症监护病房去看拉尔弗雷德, 拉尔弗雷德不停地问:“乔弗雷德在哪里?乔弗雷德在哪里?”

His mother told him that his brother had been transferred to a bigger hospital. “We thought his condition would get worse if we told him what happened,” his father said.


But Ralfred knew.

He said to his mom, “Mummy, you lied. You tell me the truth.”

But she didn’t.




上周,格雷戈里·雷蒙德·拉斐尔和妻子索亚·格雷戈里以及他们的大儿子奈尔弗雷德·拉斐尔·格雷戈里在新德里附近的密拉特举行了他们的双胞胎儿子乔弗雷德和拉尔弗雷德的葬礼。  上周,格雷戈里·雷蒙德·拉斐尔和妻子索亚·格雷戈里以及他们的大儿子奈尔弗雷德·拉斐尔·格雷戈里在新德里附近的密拉特举行了他们的双胞胎儿子乔弗雷德和拉尔弗雷德的葬礼。

Ralfred then went into depression, his doctor said. And the next morning, less than 24 hours after his brother died, so did he.


Their father says he feels as if his heart has been torn from his body.


“I keep thinking that maybe I shouldn’t have brought them to the hospital,” he said. “Maybe I should have kept them at home. There is a parental love that the hospital can’t give.”


“But there’s no use of saying, ‘If this could have happened, or that could happened,’” he said. “My children are gone now.”


Every day, he said, he visits the graveyard.


Beneath a young neem tree, Joefred and Ralfred Gregory are buried in two coffins but one grave.



Identical twins: 单卵性双胞胎, 同卵双胞胎




If identical twins are more similar to each other with respect to an ailment than fraternal twins are, then vulnerability to the disease must be rooted at least in part in heredity.

keep one's spirits up:振作精神

puncture: 在…上扎孔(或穿孔); (被)刺破

tell … apart: 分辨; 区分 ; 辨别

例句:The twins are so much alike that we can hardly tell them apart. 这对双胞胎太像了, 我们几乎分不出来谁是谁。

over-the-counter medicine:非处方药

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