
2021-11-24 03:24:20 GMT2021-11-24 11:24:20(Beijing Time) Sina English

如果在《韦氏词典》中查找“crypto”这个词,你会发现它是“密码学”(cryptography)的缩写,完整释义为“数据的计算机编码和解码”。 然而在网上搜索 crypto,你只会被满屏的加密货币相关信息给搅得心烦意乱。在币圈概念炒得火热时,密码学家们却对“加密”(Crypto)一词被滥用而感到愤懑。

Cryptographers are not happy with how you're using the word 'crypto'

The stadium that's residence to the Los Angeles Lakers is getting a new name: the Crypto.com Enviornment. The title displays the world's new sponsorship settlement with a Singapore-based cryptocurrency buying and selling platform. Which may be excellent news for cryptocurrency fanatics – however maybe not a lot for an additional faction inside the digital panorama: cryptographers.

洛杉矶湖人队的主场体育场刚刚迎来了一个新的名称 —— Crypto.com Enviornment。此举反映了场馆业主与新加坡加密货币交易平台达成的新赞助协议。对于币圈的狂热粉丝们来说,这可能是个十足的利好。但对于密码学家们来说,这却不是个好消息。

Search for the phrase "crypto" in Webster's dictionary, and also you'll see it refers to cryptography, which in flip is outlined as "the computerized encoding and decoding of data". Search "crypto" on Google, nonetheless, and also you'll see a number of high outcomes pointing to cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum.

如果在《韦氏词典》中查找“crypto”这个词,你会发现它是“密码学”(cryptography)的缩写,完整释义为“数据的计算机编码和解码”。 然而在 Google 上搜索 crypto,你只会被满屏的比特币和以太坊等加密货币相关信息给搅得心烦意乱。

This lexical shift has weighed closely on cryptographers, who, over the previous few years, have repeated the rallying cry "Crypto means cryptography" on social media. T-shirts and hoodies trumpet the phrase and variations on it; there's a website devoted solely to clarifying the problem.

这种词汇转变给密码学家带来了沉重的压力,他们在过去几年中一直在社交媒体上重复“加密就是密码学”(“Crypto means cryptography”)的口号。他们推出了宣传用的T 恤和连帽衫;甚至有一个专门用于澄清该问题的网站。

"'Crypto' for many years has been used as shorthand and as a prefix for issues associated to cryptography," mentioned Amie Stepanovich, govt director of Silicon Flatirons Middle on the College of Colorado Regulation College and creator of the pro-cryptography T-shirts, which have develop into successful at conferences.

“多年来,‘crypto’一词一直被用作与密码学相关问题的简写和前缀,” 科罗拉多大学法学院 Silicon Flatirons Center 执行主任、兼 T 恤设计者 Amie Stepanovich 说道。

Starting in 1993, the crypto.com area was owned by Matt Blaze, a cryptography skilled who repeatedly rejected would-be consumers – even because the rise of cryptocurrency meant he might have made hundreds of thousands of dollars.

自 1993 年以来,crypto.com 域名一直掌握在密码学专家 Matt Blaze 手中,且他一再拒绝了潜在买家的邀约 —— 即使随着加密货币的兴起,他本可轻松赚个数百上千万美元。

"I believe calling cryptocurrencies 'crypto' is a poor alternative, with unhealthy penalties for each cryptography and cryptocurrencies," he tweeted in 2018. In the end, nonetheless, the domain was sold, and now for those who go to Crypto.com you'll see an enormous video of Matt Damon indicating that investing in cryptocurrencies is roughly as brave as scaling an icy cliff or blasting into area.

他在 2018 年发推文说:“我认为将加密货币称为‘crypto’是一种糟糕的选择,这对密码学和加密货币都会产生不良后果。”尽管如此,该域名最终还是被出售了,如果你现在访问 Crypto.com,将看到马特·达蒙 (Matt Damon) 主演的一段巨幅宣传视频,以传达“投资加密货币与攀登冰崖或飞入太空一样勇敢”的隐喻。

But there stays an internecine feud among the many tech savvy concerning the phrase.

但是,在精通 crypto 单词含义的技术人员群体中,也存在着一定的分歧。

As Parker Higgins of the Freedom of the Press Basis, who has spent years concerned in cryptography activism, identified, the cryptography crowd is by nature deeply invested in precision – in any case, designing and cracking codes is an endeavor during which, for those who get issues "somewhat mistaken, it could actually blow the entire thing up".

正如多年前一直对此保持激进态度、来自新闻自由基金会的 Parker Higgins 所指出的那样——密码学专业人士天生就该深度投入相关研究,毕竟加密设计与破解始终是一对主要矛盾,只要有那么一丢丢突破口,都可能导致整件事功亏一篑”。

There are international debates over each cryptography – for example, questions over whether or not chat providers ought to provide "backdoors" that skirt encryption – and the regulation of cryptocurrency. "There's a want to differentiate between these two areas to keep away from completely foreseeable confusion," Stepanovich mentioned.

无论是密码学还是加密货币,一直以来都存在国际争论——例如,关于聊天应用程序是否应该提供绕过加密的“后门”的问题——以及对加密货币的监管。 “我们希望区分这两个领域,以避免完全可预见的混淆,”Stepanovich 提到。

Higgins agreed. "Crypto as shorthand for cryptography actually was in widespread use. You would speak about crypto even on Capitol Hill and folks would know what you had been speaking about."

Higgins他的说法: “Crypto作为密码学的简写实际上被广泛使用。你甚至会在国会山谈论加密技术,人们也会明白你在说什么。”

And at a time when many nonetheless aren't certain what cryptocurrency is, the confusion over the phrases simply makes issues muddier, Higgins mentioned.


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